Hi everyone,

This newsletter is going out a little later than normal – partly because I procrastinated, and partly because these shares took a little long. The nature of CSAs with veggies being different each week is that the work it takes to prep shares can shift considerably. There’s probably always more we could do to make the shares as easy for you to use as possible, but we only have so much time and lots of veggies to get through. Yet we persist.  For most things, it’s a matter of functionality. The fava beans this week have to be shelled from the pod, but there is also a tough skin around the bean that we removed so it’s really nice for cooking. For some things, there are quicker ways to prep, but sometimes we bend over backwards to make it the prettiest version of itself at a single moment of the season. The carrots for example are stunning this way with a little tuft of green left. That takes some time to do, when it would be much easier to just cut the whole top off. The eyes eat first though.

Lots of tasty stuff in the shares this week. We’re also including the first round of CSA Club stock in the shares. This is stock made from the CSA Club scraps throughout the season. The recipe below utilizes it for a risotto, but you could swap it in for any stock or water in any recipe.

Hope you all enjoy the share!


This Week’s Recipe

Caramelized Fennel Risotto

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