Hi everyone,
We have some sad news to share. Alex, the owner of Belli’s, is planning to move out of the state later this month so the upcoming future for Belli’s is up in the air at the moment. Belli’s is still open and hasn’t announced an exact closing date yet while they seek potential new ownership (so stop by while you still can). However, since they will be closed this Sunday, and Lisa and I will be out of town the following pick-up Sunday (more on that in the future), we will plan to deliver shares for the remainder of the season. If there is any issues with this, just send us a message at csaclub@gardmo.com or (630)391-1245.
Lots of tasty stuff in the shares this week. It’s always interesting how the summer is bookended with the same veggies. Similar to the spring, we’ll start to see more leafy greens, radishes, turnips and root vegetables. Keep in mind that the root vegetables, squashes, apples will last for quite a while so don’t be afraid to stash away some produce as we come up towards the end of the season.
Enjoy the veggies!