Hi everyone,
It’s been a very busy week for us prepping for the Next Door Dinner earlier in the week. We were so excited to see all of you that were able to grab tickets (it sold out!!).
We’ve been reflecting recently on all the relationship building it takes to make a small business like Gard Mo successful. It really takes a village. Then to imagine the amount of collective effort necessary to create a regenerative food system to replace our current broken one seems… daunting.
We say “CSA” a lot, but maybe we don’t say what it stands for enough; Community Supported Agriculture. We believe in the ethos of Community Supported Agriculture wholeheartedly as the solution to not only the industrial food system, but also to the disconnect so many of us feel as a result of the material-individualism ingrained in us. Thank you all so much for being part of the community.
Perfectly timed with the heat wave, the shares this week are definitely beginning to show the shift to summer with nearly perfect sized summer squashes and baby carrots; great for grilling and keeping the heat of cooking out of the house.
Hope you all enjoy the share!