Thanks again for signing up to be part of the first season of the CSA Club. The season is starting off strong with this week’s box full of delicious produce.

As we get into the flow of things, we hope to have these newsletters sent out a couple a couple days earlier (quick plug: Lisa and I were also busy the beginning of this week with another organization we work with, Next Door Dinners. Check it out).

To get the season started Lisa will share some things to keep in mind about the shares, containers, and our zero-waste goals.

Hi! Lisa here. Let’s get this season started with 3 quick points:

  1. returnable containers: our goal is to keep 99% of the packaging we use in a closed loop throughout the season and we need your help to make that happen! When you finish with any plastic containers/lids, feel free to give them a quick rinse, leave labels on, let dry, and then toss back in your tote to bring back to us when you pick up your next share. Containers are dishwasher and microwave safe, but we wouldn’t recommend microwaving them. The other 1% of our packaging is compostable, and if you don’t have a subscription, check out TinyShop for one-time compost drop offs.
  2. we welcome your feedback: let us know what works and what doesn’t. Although we’re not new to cooking with local food, we are new to the technical side of a business like Gard Mo and are always looking to make things better for everyone, or maybe even willing to make customizations for our *favorite* customers (hint: they’ll probably be the ones who are best at returning their containers).
  3. evening hotline: not sure what to do with a new veggie or need some quick cooking advice? Ben will be available via text Mon-Fri 5-8pm as your very own personal chef at (630) 391-1245.

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