Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for joining us for the season! It’s going to be a summer filled with delicious produce.

This year is the second season of the CSA Club and we’re hitting the ground running. We’re grateful to have those of you returning from last year and thrilled to be welcoming many new members, so let us give a quick introduction.

We’re a three person team this year: myself (Ben), Lisa, and Azziza. Azziza is new to the team and we are so excited to have her joining. Ironically, we all began our food journeys by studying food science, but we’ve come to understand that industrial food isn’t capable of fixing the many problems our current food system faces. Instead we believe that answers lie closer to home. We believe that a local food system made up of diversified, regenerative farms is not only the answer, but possible. We hope that Gard Mo can help fill gaps on the way to that system.

The CSA Club starts two weeks earlier this year which will ensure we’ll see a healthy portion of the asparagus crop, in addition to an abundance of greens, spring onions, and greenhouse goodies. We hope you’re all ready.


This Week’s Recipe

Pickled Red Spring Onion

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