Beet, Kohlrabi and Napa Slaw



20 mins


~8 side servings

This is a simple dish that would work great for any summer BBQ. The beets give the slaw a deep red color that’s gorgeous, not to mention a sweet earthiness that goes well with the napa. This recipes makes a decent sized portion, but the slaw does well in the refrigerator as an easy side dish throughout the week.


from your CSA Club Share

from your pantry

  • Salt – to taste

larder items

  • Slaw dressing – 1 c


Nothing special for this recipe!



  1. Shred napa cabbage. (For large leaves, cut in half length-wise. Stack a handful of leaves on top of each other, and then roll tightly into a cigar shape, and slice thinly [chiffonade].)
  2. Toss shredded napa cabbage with shredded kohlrabi, beets, and slaw dressing.


Straight to plating for this recipe!


Enjoy with your favorite BBQ, or just as a quick snack out of the fridge.