Hi everyone,

It’s really starting to feel like fall now. We’ve been having cool nights and there are winter squashes in the shares (and football is back). I want to thank everyone again for being part of the first season of the CSA Club. Its been very fulfilling for us and we hope that you all have enjoyed it as much as we have. Lisa and I are starting to finalize plans for the CSA Club over the winter (and for next season) and we want your help to form those plans.

First though, I want to share some of our accomplishments so far through the season. Together, the CSA Club has enjoyed a whopping 1200 lbs of locally grown produce. All of that coming from just 70 mi away, compared to the average of over 1500 mi of what you would find in a grocery store. I had also planned on listing the percentage of diet grown in Illinois that would represent, but based on a typical thrifty diet according the USDA food plans each of the CSA Club shares would only account for 28% of fruit and veggies. That doesn’t quite seem right to me. Lisa and I are usually working hard to use everything up before the next share rather than supplementing with additional produce, but let us know if you think different!

Now the ask for help; we want your feedback on the CSA Club to help guide the direction we continue to grow. If you could please fill out this survey, it would go a long way in helping us plan. We appreciate any thoughts, ideas or critiques, that you might have.

Enjoy the veggies!


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