Sweet Potato Green Curry with Cahokia Rice

Early Fall


1 hr 15 mins (45 active)


Serves 4

This is by no means a traditional or authentic curry. The Green Curry Paste takes inspiration from Thai curry, but coconut milk is tough to source locally. And then the use of cornstarch is more typical of Japanese curries. Either way, it’s pretty tasty. There is enough of everything in the share to make this recipe twice, but it makes quite a bit.


from your CSA Club Share

from your pantry

  • Oil  – 3 Tbsp
    • Tasty like olive oil or butter. If not, anything would work.
  • Salt ~ 3 tsp
  • Water -2 cup + 2 ½ cup
  • Cornstarch – 4 tsp
  • Soy sauce – 1 Tbsp
  • Pickle Liquid – 3 Tbsp
    • I used Pickled Asparagus, but you can use whatever you have. Otherwise use a tasty vinegar like apple cider vinegar, just use half the total amount.

larder items

  • CSA Club Stock – 2 cup
  • Green Curry Paste – ½ cup (¼ cup + ¼ cup)
  • Cahokia White Rice – 1 ½ cup


Nothing special for this recipe!



  1. Chop the sweet potato  into ~1” pieces and set aside.
  2. Chop the turnips and carrot into ~½“ pieces. Quarter the shallots. Set aside, combined.
  3. Roughly chop the bell pepper and swiss chard and set aside.
  4. In a small bowl or ramekin, add a small amount of cool water to the cornstarch and mix to make a slurry.
  5. Rinse 1 ½ c rice, and then cook with 2 ¼ c water. Rice cookers are my favorite single-purpose tool. If you don’t have one, bring rice and water to a boil on the stovetop, reduce to a soft simmer, cover and cook for ~10 mins or until there is no water left at the bottom of the pot (allow to then steam off the heat for another 15 mins).


  1. While the rice is cooking, add the sweet potato, 2 c water, and 2c stock to a large pot. Stir in ¼ c green curry paste, and 3 t salt. 
  2. Bring to a boil and then add the carrots, turnips, and shallots. Bring back to a simmer, cover and cook for ~15 mins. 
  3. Once the turnips and carrots are tender, mix in the cornstarch slurry, bell pepper, and swiss chard. Bring back to a simmer, cover and cook for 5 mins, stirring occasionally.
  4. After 5 mins, the curry should have thickened noticeably, then remove from the heat and season with another ¼ c green curry paste, soy sauce, pickle liquid, and salt.


Serve hot over white rice, and enjoy.